Monday, July 2, 2018

Creative Flow

Finding Your Creative Spirit

With as many bras and other things that I have sewn during my life you might think that I come to the sewing room raring to go with my creative flow bursting forth.  Wouldn't that be wonderful.  The truth is that being creative is hard work.  Keeping that side of the brain open and willing to come up with fun, beautiful things to create and design is challenging to say the least. 

I have a few tricks I use to keep my flow open.  My favorite go to creative inspiration comes from a very unlikely place, a great book by Julia Cameron, titled, "The Artist's Way".   Found at this link on Amazon:  "The Artist's Way"  .

She recommends journaling three pages a day .  Which actually is not all that hard and has helped immensely.   I also follow fellow design and sewing educators.  I follow other bloggers and informative web information.  It is amazing to me how many people  offer information and how inspiring they are.  I also have numerous decorating, design and sewing books which offer insight and help with the skill it takes to do challenging projects. 

 When these usual things don't work I just show up anyhow.  And often the very act of being in my creative space will urge me forward. 

If you are reading this then you are seeking a way to be more creative.  As with anything step out of your comfort zone and try something new.  Even eating new foods or planting a new flower is a form of creative expression.  Sewing and design are my passion.   And my passion comes from my inner need to create. 


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